Do yourself a favour. Get Gravatar

Good Evening… Again.

Have you ever heard of Gravatar? No? Avatar? Yes? Cool. If you do not know what is Gravatar, please do yourself a favour. Get one now!!! Everyone knows what is Gravatar. I have been using it since my first years of blogging, somewhere in the year 2006. For those who do not know what is an Avatar, basically, in the world of computers, an avatar is a graphical representation of himself/herself or alter ego.

In Hinduism (this is where the word Avatar comes from), Avatar is the incarnation of the Higher Being. Lost? Okay. In the laymen term, God transforms Himself into the creature of the World to directly meddling with humans.

What is then a Gravatar? Well, it is a globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. These are Gravatars:

The Gravatars

A presentation of you to the world. Instead of only names and email, a picture of yourself is available too. And what’s not, it’s globally available. Of course to with Gravatar Enabled sites, such as mine. Sweet isn’t it. Learn more about it here. And it’s free.

Hmmm. Talk like Bastards??

Good Evening,

It has been a while. “Me busy, leave me alone!”. /lol. Well, I have this “Work, work” in the office. There’s a time when the Chief calls upon me. I answered “Yes?”. “Something need doing?”. And as an obedient peon, I answered “Okie Dokie”. There you go, my addiction to the World of Warcraft. This game has taken its toll on me. I am now the servant of Thrall, Warchief of the Horde. Slave of Blizzard and a member of the Shattered Hand.

Okay, on with the content now. Do you know that each of us does talk like a bastard? What is this Talk like Bastards really. Simple. It simply means talk shits or Talk Cock (not the American Version of Cock). This is more like South East-Asian styles which means to talk nonsense. And today, I will point out some quotes from various people in my country, they shall be unnamed to protect their identity.

Let us read on, guess if you want.

“Kalau boleh saya tidak hendak perkara ini berlaku kerana saya tidak mahu anak-anak menjadi mangsa kejahilan kami berdua”

“xxxxx merupakan seorang artis baru yang terlalu naif mengenai selok-belok industri hiburan.”

“Saya fikir Shah Rukh layak mendapat penghormatan sebagai Dato Kehormat.”

“to ensure her safety”

“Saya rasa berdosa kalau orang-orang susah begini tidak dibantu dengan dihulurkan wang”

“Kalau teruja sekalipun janganlah terlebih over daripada artis. Ini tidak, setiap kali mereka nak umumkan artis yang berikutnya, dia pula yang mulakan nyanyian. Kalau sedap kira okey, tapi sumbang mambang. Kalau nyanyi ala kadar tak apalah juga, ini nyanyi macam nak terkeluar anak tekak”

Haha. Well. That’s all folk. Go ahead and make some intelligent guess!!


Finding myself through WP themes

Good Evening,

This is my 3rd times in this week alone I replace my WordPress Theme. Why? I just got fed up with the old themes. I just don’t like it anymore. Usually, I would restrain myself from keep on replacing themes. It requires tremendous works. A theme is just a theme, but, to enter, a theme must have many things that amuse me. I am very picky. Yes, I am. Colours, CSS, customisation and appearance all must pass my Rigid “Seal of Quality“.

I had my own theme for the past few years. It was called Orange: munmonlisme. It was Hemingway inspired theme. That was my best self-created theme. CSS certified, XHTML certified and W3C compliant. All gone due to too inevitable computer disaster. And, I failed to pay my bill (my previous web hosting).

I just don’t have the time to start from scratch. Forget about creating a new WP theme. WP has changed a lot since the last time I created my own theme. I have much better things to do. Shall we take a look at the themes I have used? Hmmm. Let me see…..

When I 1st set-up the new munmonlisme (this is version 2), I searched for a theme that really appealed me. So enter the faleonis by flisterz. Used it for about 4 months. When I found out this theme did not render me shadow properly (your theme is great flisterz, but please blame Microsoft for their stupid IE) in IE, I started to search for new theme.

deLight seemed to appeal to me. Oh. Sorry, this theme is created by Simon, a web designer from German. This theme is pretty nice, but, I don’t like the wasted space in the sidebar. Scrap this one too. Then, I found Ship Ahoy by Theme Terminal. I seem to like this one. Must be for the pirate’s naming convention. Ahoy. I just love to be a pirate. Even dream to become one. The good old-time pirate with that amazing Jolly Roger. Sweet huh?

Yarrrrr! Tis me blog. Arrgh!, See Ya Chum!

Ubuntu 8.10RC is coming

Good Evening,

Ubuntu the best Linux Distro (me thinks) is releasing the next version 8.10 Intrepid Ibex soon. As of now, Release Candidate is available here. Shall I be upgrading to the latest version? I don’t think so. Am feeling lazy to re-install Ubuntu. Hear me when I say, I don’t like upgrading Ubuntu or any other Operating System. There’s nothing better than the fresh installation of an Operating System. Furthermore, being on LTS now. Why should I upgrade? I would if I have the time. Heh. /rolling eyes.

Let’s see, what Ubuntu 8.10 is offering. Usually, the new release has better applications and a new kernel. However, one will never know what lurks behind. /sinister smile. Upgrading is not for the fainted heart. Save it for the bold. Let the experienced users test and conclude it in the future. Well, we will know. Okay, on the new features now.

  • GNOME 2.24
  • X.Org 7.4
  • Kernel 2.6.27
  • Encrypted private directory (nice feature for the paranoid)
  • New Guest session
  • Network Manager 0.7
  • DKMS
  • Samba 3.2
  • PAM authentication framework
  • Totem BBC Plugin
  • Server Virtualization and many more

As promised by Canonical Foundation, every 6 months, a new version of Ubuntu will be released. The new 8.10 Intrepid Ibexis is scheduled to be released on 30th October 2008.

Do you believe in Ubuntu? Well, I believe. What about you?

Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong anugerah Datuk ke SRK

Salam Sejahtera,

Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong penganugerahan Datuk kepada Yang Berbahagia Datuk Shah Rukh Khan (DSRK). Perkara ini bisa dilihat di blognya. Pandangan beliau saya hormati setelah meneliti argumen2 Yang Berbahgia Tun. Antara sebab Tun Dr. Mahathir menyokong akan penganugerahan itu adalah:

  1. DSRK telah banyak membantu mempromosikan Malaysia di serata dunia. Filem2 DSRK banyak berlatarbelakngkan Malaysia. Sekaligus memperkenalkan Malaysia di serata dunia terutamanya Eropah.
  2. Oleh kerana filem lakonan DSRK mempunyai banyak lokasi di Malaysia, perkara ini telah memaksa Agensi Perfileman Hindi (Bollywood) membelanjakan wang yang banyak. Dalam erti kata lain, dari segi ekonomi perkara ini telah membantu aliran wang keluar masuk. Ini adalah bagus untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi.
  3. DSRK juga banyak melakukan pertunjukan percuma untuk membantu badan2 amal (samada badan-badan amal dari Malaysia atau luar negara tidaklah saya ketahui)
  4. Akhir sekali, DSRK telah berjaya membawa lebih banyak pengarah2 Bollywood ke Malaysia sebagai lokasi perfileman mereka.

Itu adalah pandangan Yang Berbahgia Tun Dr. Mahathir. Argumen2nya jelas kelihatan. Sekurang-kurangnya Tun mempunyai argumennya. Yang tidak menyokong juga mempunyai argumen2nya. Namun yang saya kesalkan adalah tukang2 komen di blognya. Di situ kita dapat lihat beberapa Rakyat Malaysia (bukan satu atau dua, namun ramai) yang menyokong tanpa usul dan periksa. Oleh kerana terlalu taksub akan Kehebatan Tun, maka terus dulunya tidak menyokong, terus menyokong anugerah tersebut. (Silalah lihat kalau tak percaya). Kelakar bukan? Itu adalah satu antara beribu. Ini lagi ada lagi satu

am i d 1st?? hehe..
yup.. Tun betul.. tiada apa yg perlu dipertikaikan.. walaupun pada mulanya saya anggap i sedikit pelik n lucu.. but come to think of it.. bukannya pelik pun.. biarla org nk bg.. mmg byk lagi bintang kehormat yang akan diberi tiap2 tahun kepada mereka yg layak menerimanya.. macam esok hari (hari keputeraan tuanku Sultan Pahang)..
ok Tun.. semoga dipanjangkan umur n disihatkan tubuh badan..
take care… daaaa.. 😉

Begitulah cara rakyat Malaysia berfikir. Hanya kerana Tun Dr. Mahathir adalah orang yang mereka kagumi, jika Tun kata A, maka A lah untuk mereka. Saya khuatir sekiranya ini adalah caranya, maka tidak perlulah kita semua mempunyai daya pemikiran yang hebat serta perkasa. Kita hanya memerlukan seorang yang hebat sahaja, yang lain2 tidak perlu menjadi hebat. Pak Turut bak kata Tok dan Nenek saya.

Namun ada juga yang tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun. Sungguhpun begitu, saya masih berasa kelakar dengan beberapa Mahkluk Tuhan yang terus menyokong kerana Tun menyokong. Itulah dia beberapa Rakyat Malaysia yang tidak mempunyai Tulang Belakang. Atau mungkin patut saya label mereka Penyokong Fanatik Tun Dr. Mahathir.

Saya sendiri adalah penyokong kuat Tun. Namun saya juga mempunyai pandangan sendiri. Saya memang tidak bersetuju akan anugerah itu. Namun masing2 punya pandangan sendiri. Tidak semestinya saya atau Tun yang betol. Itu suka hati kitorangla. Yang nak sokong secara membabi buta itu kenapa?

Silalah belajar untuk jadi Manusia yang Boleh Berfikir?

Salam Sejahtera.

What World of Warcraft Class Are You?

I’m RogueI live in the darkness, the dimly lit alleys and tavern basements, attacking my enemies swiftly and mercilessly or plotting the next silent overthrow. I am a master of stealth and subterfuge, employing any which way to gain the advantage. I am an assassin, a spy, a thief, a pickpocket, a poison master – and I will vanish before your very eyes when I think I might lose. There simply aren’t enough sharp things in the world to keep me thoroughly occupied, and I am more dangerous when bored. You won’t find my name in history books, but rest assured I am there, weaving in and out of the shadows and manipulating the world to my needs.

Take your files anywhere with Dropbox

Good Evening and Salam Sejahtera

It’s 12.00AM in the morning. Should not be a problem. I will be on night shift tomorrow. Nice huh? I can wake up late in the morning, but with a price… I have to stay until 8.00PM. Coolies. It’s raining, not much differences.

Okay, just found out one cool application which would act like your virtual storage. Syncing everything you save with your computers. Hence, opening again with different computer. A very good utility for the people on the move. I was playing with my Ubuntu Tweak when I came across with Dropbox in the 3rd party sources list. I was keen to find out what is this Dropbox all about.

A simple statement to enlighten me “Dropbox is the easiest way to share and store your files online“. Well, it is an on-line storage where it can sync to your linked computers. It acts just like your normal folder in your computer. But whatever goes inside that folder will be uploaded to the server (hint: sync). It is safe and protected. However, one should not put confidential materials there. Just as precautions.

Try it now. A very nice application.

BTW, this application is available for Linux, Mac and Windows

Akaun Lebur kena tipu… Benar atau Tipu…

Sejahtera dan Semoga Berbahgia

Berikut adalah petikan daripada Kosmo

KUALA LUMPUR – Tidak sampai empat minit, duit dalam akaun bank milik seorang pengurus, Yong Chee Seong, 30, berjumlah hampir RM5,000 lesap sekelip mata.

Kes itu dipercayai gara-gara sindiket perbankan dalam talian (online) yang didalangi pakar teknologi maklumat di kalangan warga asing yang memerangkap mangsa melalui penghantaran e-mel ‘berhantu’.

Chee Seong memberitahu, e-mel dalam bahasa Inggeris yang diteri- manya pada 23 September lalu kira- kira 1 tengah hari memintanya mengemas kini maklumat talian perbankan melalui proses pertukaran kata kunci akaun bank.

“Ia nampak asli dan meminta saya berbuat demikian bagi tujuan kese- lamatan selain mengelak ditipu oleh sindiket yang semakin menjadi-jadi di ruang siber,” katanya di sini semalam.

Menurut Chee Seong, sebagai pelanggan tetap bank terkemuka itu sejak enam tahun lalu, dia langsung tidak menaruh syak bahawa e-mel itu satu perangkap kerana pautan laman web untuk dia membuat kata kunci baru, muncul dengan hampir menyamai laman web bank tersebut.

Beliau hanya menyedari ada sesuatu yang tidak kena berlaku sele- pas beberapa minit mendaftarkan kata kunci baru dengan empat minit kemudian menerima khidmat pesa- nan ringkas (SMS) daripada pihak bank dengan maklumkan satu transaksi pemindahan wang dari akaunnya berjumlah RM4,935.

“Saya tergamam kerana saya tak buat apa-apa,” katanya.

Sejurus selepas itu, Chee Wah terus menghubungi bank berkenaan dan jurucakapnya mengesahkan polisi mereka tidak meminta pelanggan menukar data menerusi e-mel.

Chee Wah cuba mengakses kembali pautan laman web berkenaan, namun gagal.

Mangsa membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Sea Park, Petaling Jaya pada 23 September lalu selepas dinasihatkan oleh pihak Maybank.

Apakah perkara ini benar2 berlaku. Kerana setahu saya, Maybank mempunyai satu sekuriti feature sebelum transaksi bisa dilakukan, iaitu TAC. Yang mana, kod 6 digit akan di hantar ke Mobile yang sudah berdaftar dan perlu dimasukkan ke interface Maybank sebelum transaksi berlaku. Tanpa code ini, tiada transaksi akan berlaku. Adalah amat mustahil untuk sebuah transaksi berlaku tanpa TAC code ini.

Maka, suka saya bertanya apakah transaksi bisa berlaku walaupun tanpa TAC? Transaksi pemindahan wang tanpa memerlukan TAC hanya bisa dilakukan pada akaun2 bank yang telah didaftarkan sahaja, itupun memerlukan TAC untuk pertama kali. Ini berita temberang saya rasa.

Namun sebagai langkah berjaga2 haruslah kita semua menjadi bijak semasa berfikir. Tidaklah perlu kita menjadi begitu dungu di dalam hal yang remeh seperti ini.

Sejahtera Semua

OUM Digital Library has new look too…

Good Evening,

Another 45 minutes to go before I will start chasing all the students out from this library. /lol. Of course, will never do that. It will reflect me as a person and what not, as a Happy Librarian. This is Munawar the Happy Librarian. The one that will always try to help no matter what.

For the past few months, I have made some changes to the iPortal’s look and feel. However, it is not available to the general public. You have to log in to our system in order to view. The time has come however, to replace the old look of Public iPortal. Remove some useless codes and putting away non-public directive and add-up some CSS 2.1. The new iPortal is now available.

This server is lacking some important packages, no PHP and mySQL. Nothing much that I can do. Installing won’t help either, I will need to recompile APACHE which I dare not to do. Let it be, let it be. Do not have the guts to face the fiasco should it arise.

Maybank2u has new face, but…

Good Morning

Recently, Maybank has made a face-lift to its secured site. Seems they do realise after-all that old version sucks. /lol. Seriously, of all banks I used, Maybank is the last in term of Graphical Appearance. Functionality is outstanding however. People don’t really care about look and feel unless it will make people go confuse. /Outcry

Such is the case of Maybank’s new look. Fast learners should not having any problem. I have no problem to discover or learn something new. People with disabilities might have. But hey, all those confusing stuff is nothing compared to functionality of a system. You suck big time now This is my 5th attempts to transfer me money to somewhere else. Guess what, this is what I get

Our service is currently available. and bla bla bla. I prefer the old system. Ugly but effective not like this one, beautiful but useless. Speaking of the devil, I remember Jimmy Soul’s song “If You Want to be Happy”. This part really reflects you Mr. Maybank

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
you’ll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
And she’ll always give you peace of mind

Didn’t you test the system thoroughly like really try the system before transferring it to production server? You suck big time.