One crazy taxi in Sabah

Good Evening and Salam Sejahtera.

Arrived at Sandakan in one piece around 1.30 PM. Nice view during flight. I saw the peak of Mount Kinabalu on my way there. No picture was taken as I did not have any DigiCam. Hand-phone is prohibited in any aircraft during flight. Pictures are not possible. Nevertheless, the fantastic view is mine to keep.

On my way to Hotel Sandakan (it is Friday and the person who is supposed to fetch me is having his business in the Mosque). Well no worries, I can be on my own. My next best option is the cab. RM22 was paid (coupon system) to get my ass to Hotel Sandakan, the best place in town, access to food, entertainment and all my daily needs is easy.

Let us start with my story, the Crazy Taxi of Sandakan. He is quite old and short. He talks a lot and curses all the time. I care not about that, as I am of his type too. The road in Sandakan is quite funny, closure and detour are normal here. So he took the one which was going in the right direction, yesterday. Yep, it was like that yesterday. But today, the road has turned into 2 lanes instead of one. Instead of using the road in the right direction, he insisted on using that road.

This would be the end of me. I asked him to turn around and use the other road on our left, which is separated by a large drain. It is not that hard, just make one big u-turn. He did not listen. He kept driving as if nothing wrong had happened. Oh, God. Burn me not in hell for being a big sinner as the lorry came toward us. Yes, one big lorry with a full load of timber. Hahaha. Please u-turn and use the right road, I begged him. He simply said, “I have opened the light. Don’t worry”. Fuct, deep in my heart I said. And the lorry avoids us. Phew!! I live another day.

I saw one big roundabout in front, finally, the taxi re-enters the road in the right direction. I kept quiet after that. Never to utter any words and leave the cab without saying thanks as I enter the hotel. I live today and shall remember this day as a hint from me God the Almighty.

How crazy is that? If anything happens to me, OUM would lose the best Librarian in town. Har Har Har. That’s merely a joke for motivating me. Seriously, if the lorry ran into us, today would be the last day of my life. Thanks, for giving me another chance.

Take Care

Kalau saya berasa tidak selamat

Sejahtera Semua,

Baru-baru ini kecoh dengan kisah orang kena tahan atas nama ISA. Yang baut lagi kecoh adalah sebab penahanan tersebut. Mereka ditahan kerana untuk menjaga keselamatan mereka, yang kononnya terancam. Haha. Makna kata sekiranya sesiapa yang rasa dirinya terancam bulehle minta perlindungan di bawah ISA. 2 tahun beb makan free dan tempat tinggal free.

Dan di sebalik kisah penahanan orang-orang itu itu atas nama ISA, ada dua kumpulan Islam yang menyokong tindakan kerajaan itu. PPIM dan Pewaris menyokong tindakan itu kerana berpendapat ianya wajar kerana mencerca agama Islam dari segi Azan. Mereka menuduh si Theresa Kok minta perlahankan suara Azan. Apa ini? gila apa, yang dikecohkan ialah penggunaan pembesar suara sewaktu kuliah subuh dan maghrib. Tak pula disebutkan tentang Azan. Inilah yang dikatakan semberono. Bodoh punya pertubuhan.

Kalau berbicara tanpa ilmu agama itulah yang akan jadi. Kalau berbicara tanpa usul periksa tentang alkisahnya, maka topik juga akan lari. Mari kita lihat apa Mufti Perlis kata (Mufti! bukan saya!!!)

Kata Dr Asri, isu agama turut membabitkan sensitiviti agama lain. Tapi dari segi mempersoalkan identiti Islam seperti laungan azan, itu tidak boleh.

“Namun jika ada sungutan tentang bacaan-bacaan yang panjang sehingga menganggu orang awam, ulamak Islam juga tidak benarkan. Bacaan yang kuat tanpa keperluan atau kuliah agama dengan menggunakan pembesar suara sehingga menganggu ketenteraman awam, itu tidak perlu. Itu sudah diputuskan oleh ulamak-ulamak dari dulu lagi.

“Agama itu terhad. Azan itu azan. Begitu juga kuliah agama untuk diperdengarkan di pembesar suara, berpada untuk sidang yang mendengar sahaja,” jelasnya.

Jelas kelihatan, azan memang tidak boleh dipersoalkan. Perkara tentang Azan ini sudah dimaklumkan bahawa tiada penentangan atau rungutan mengenainya daripada penduduk Kinrara Seksyen 5. Apa yang mereka minta adalah memperlahankan sedikit Volume Pembesar Suara sewaktu Majlis Kuliah.

Cuba kalau kita minta Kuil Hindu jangan bunyi loceng, pastila mereka marah. Seperti itu juga sensitiviti orang-orang bukan Islam disana. Yang diminta lain, yang jadi cerita panas lain. Mereka semua maklum kalau meminta untuk memperlahankan Azan maka jawabnya adalah “Yuck Fou!!”. Mereka tidak kisah pun tentang Azan 5 minit itu.

Inilah yang dikatakan mempolitikkan sesuatu untuk mencari sokongan. Namun ianya tidak menjadi. Kerana, rakyat Malaysia sudah pandai mengira. Dahulu kala mungkin ABC pun tak tahu. Namun sekarang, jangan kata ABC, Twinkle2 Little Star pun kitorang tahu apa!!

Pikirlah Sendiri, korang nak dengar kata Mufti Perlis atau Orang Bodoh

Chinese are Immigrants???

Greetings and Salam Sejahtera

This is my 2nd day of Puasa (Fasting). Over the years, this would be my last year as orang bujang. :). Must get married before 30. Okay on with the post.

I read a blog which says :

Bukit Bendera UMNO Chief : Sir Ahmad Ismail had called the Chinese as Immigrants. Being immigrants, it was impossible to have equal rights with the Bumiputras.

Eh! No! Not the bumiputras, the Malays. Hmmm. I have never seen the Ibans, Badayuh and Melanau scream to defend their birthrights. Only the Malays would stand and hoist Kris and scream while defending the Special Rights. What special rights? I do not know!

Such is the stupidity of a Datuk. Knowingly the current political situations, one bad move will result into great political disaster. How could you call those Chinese Immigrants. It was their forefathers, grandfathers and grandmothers who were immigrants. They were born before this Land was given a name. Those who are born in Malaysia, after Merdeka are no more immigrants. Malaysians they are. I don’t think the Chinese are racist towards us. It is us who is being racist.

People are getting smarter, Orang Kampung have access to Internet as well. They are smart now. And they speak with facts.

Continue being racist or work together for the greater good?

Choose your destiny!!!

Kemana arahtuju bangsaku…?

Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Maju Jaya.

Hari ini merupakan hari yang gemilang untuk Anuar Ibrahim. Setelah 10 tahun terkeluar dari Parlimen, hari ini beliau kembali. Dalam masa 3 hari, kita semua akan menyambut Hari Kebangsaan yg ke-51. Dalam tak sedar rupanya sudah setengah abad Malaysia merdeka. Pelbagai insiden-insiden dan situasi sudah berlaku di negara kita, Malaysia Tercinta. Ekonomi berkembang dahulunya tetapi sekarang ianya berada di dalam keadaan yang stagnant. Apakah puncanya, tiada saya ketahui. Namun apa yang pasti, wang kita saban hari makin mengecil.

Dalam masa 51 tahun kita merdeka, bangsaku, Melayu masih lagi terpingga-pingga mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan. Masih lagi mahu mengekalkan Hak-Hak Istemewa Kaum Bumiputra. Hak apa saya pun kurang tahu. Diskaun 5% beli rumah? Kuota didalam sektor kerajaan? Hak melanjutkan pelajaran? Hak Ekonomi? Entah pun tidak tahu.

Sudah hampir setengah abad kita merdeka, bangsaku masih lagi terpinggir kerana tidak tahu apa itu usaha. Benar. Bukan semua orang Melayu yang bengong-bengong. Namun hampir kebanyakan bangsaku sudah tidak kenal apa itu Usaha Tangga Kejayaan.

Bila dikhabarkan tentang orang Melayu sudah berjaya capai target 30% DEB. Adapula yang mengamuk minta orang itu tarik balik hasil researchnya. Apakah tidak bangsaku berasa bangga apabila berjaya capai target 30% itu? Kenapa perlu tekejut dan melatah sambil sanggup berkata bahawa itu adalah isu sensitif. Sensitif celah mana?

Selagi wujudnya Hak Istemewa Orang Melayu selagi itulah Sumpahan Orang Melayu akan kekal. Tidak akan Hilang Melayu di Dunia. Benar. Namun apakah maknanya sekiranya anak bangsaku hanyalah golongan kelas busuk di negaranya. Ianya pasti akan berlaku sekiranya tidak ada apa-apa perubahan yang akan dilakukan. Sumpahan Bangsa Melayu akan terus menjadi-jadi sehingga segalanya sudah tidak bermakna lagi.

Pada waktu itu, mungkin saya sudah mati, Tun Mahathir pun orang kenal dalam buku sahaja. Bangsaku adalah kelas paling bawah di negaranya sendiri. Apabila ini berlaku, siapa yang perlu dipersalahkan? Mahathir? UMNO? BN? Anuar Ibrahim?. Tidak, tidak seorang pun dari mereka yang bersalah. Yang salah adalah Bangsa Melayu itu sendiri! Masih leka dan tidak sedar akan perubahan yang harus dilakukan. Masih lagi terkejar-kejar Hak Bangsa Melayu yg sebenarnya merupakan Opium yang membunuh di dalam diam.

Bangsa-bangsa lain makin kehadapan dan MARA. Namun kita orang Melayu masih berada di takuk lama. Mempertahankan hak yang sememangnya merusakkan dan melalaikan. Apekah hak2 istemewa ini? Cukuplah sekadar melindungi Sultan-Sultan dan Raja serta Yam Tuan Besar selaku simbol kebesaran orang Melayu. Cukuplah dengan pengiktirafan Bahasa Melayu dan Agama Islam sebagai Bahasa dan Agama Rasmi. Itupun sebenarnya atas kertas sahaja. Pelaksanaannya tiadalah berlaku dengan baik.

Fikirkanlah. Maju atau Mundur.

Flag, Upside Down?

Good Evening and Sejahtera,

My answer for this is absolute no no. My Country’s Icon, our flag shall not be given such horrible treatment. No matter how much I hate current situation, current economy and political situation, hoisting “Jalur Gemilang” in that manner is complete disrespectful. No! Not just disrespectful. It is an act of blasphemy.

How on earth a person can think something like that? The idea is heresy. Jalur Gemilang is our National Icon. As a sign of distress? Not to that extend my dear friend. I am too patriotic to even use my flag as “kain buruk”. I know it is the sign of distress, but I take it as disgust. Bear the flag proudly and bear it with pride.

On the other hand, why we should charge the writer under “Akta Hasutan”? There must be a reason behind this. No sound man would think like that. No sound man would insult his Nation. Something is troubling him. The government should look into this not simply pointing finger and say “Oi! Gila Ka!!?

Well I do not know. I do not want to talk much about leadership and Malaysian Political party here.

Just think about it. Bear it Upside Down or Bear it with Pride!!

Officially OUM Librarian

Good Morning and Salam Sejahtera and Assalamualaikum

As of August 4 this year, me position as a Librarian in Tan Sri Dr. Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library has been confirmed. After 6 months of undying will to serve OUM to the best of my ability has been fruitful. Being given a confirmation letter is the best experience for me this year. It’s like Wow!, Horrah!, Yeay!, Yeeehaaaa! in one word.

My resilience towards challenges in OUM, including external factors such as fever and what not is unbreakable. The traffic condition in Lok Yew is nothing for me. Stupid drivers in that area have no effect upon me whatsoever. I still remember when I was in PLF, money was an issue. Almost everything would require careful planning and I could never spend like now. But, that was a long time ago. Today, money is no more an issue. I can buy whatever I want.

Being new in OUM, I cannot say “No!” to anything. All requests by the bosses must be fulfilled. I was asked to join Choir, I did without any sign of refusal. I am Bass Vocal in OUM Choir Group. The fatherly voice as told by my choir instructor. I was asked to produce 495 CDs and I did without resistance. And of course with the help of fellow colleagues. There’s no way I can finish that in 2 weeks.

As I am now confirmed as OUM Librarian – more responsibilities are coming to me. I just can feel it. However, my life is still for the Horde.


damn… forget my belt!!!

Good Evening,

I am working late today, 12 PM – 9 PM. A librarian in an academic environment will face that kind of situation. Working on Saturday and Sunday, Manning the counter and so on. This is the life of a librarian. But not the old-fashioned ones. They are on the bridge of extinction as the influx of the new age librarian is inevitable. This is the age of Librarian 2.0. Am on the other hand is version 2.5. Haha.

Okay, as I was supposed to clock in at 12 PM and I took my time to work. It was like 10 AM and it was still early. Rolling from left to right on my bed. Oh God! This pillow smelled good. It was my “bantal bucuk”. What!!! I can’t have any bantal busuk? No way, I love my bantal busuk!!! Buzz off. None will take that bantal busuk away from me. Not even my mother!!!

The air was cold and nice. Ahhhh. So lazy!!! Skip work. No! No can do! This is no school anymore. It is a okay to skip class. I always skipped my class during my studying days. But make sure to score in every test. Those lecturers would not say anything if you are good. They could not do anything because you are good!!!

Suddenly the time was like 11.15 AM. Shit, this is no good. Time for express bathing, breakfast and driving to work. Bathing took 10 minutes, pant and shirt 5 minutes and breakfast 5 minutes (bread, cheesdale and salad). It was like 11.40 PM and I quickly ran to the car. Started the engine and went to work. There’s no time to heating up the engine. Waste of petrol and time. Arrive OUM at 11.58 and clock in at 12.01 PM. At least not being late for 5 minutes or so.

Then my khaki started to losing its grip around the waist. I see…. not wearing any belt. Damn!!! resumes operation

Good Evening,

Sejahtera to all of you. After the disastrous mistake couple of days ago. resumes its operation. Re-installation of Ubuntu took about 30 minutes, post-installation configurations took about 2 hours, and installation of World of Warcraft took about 1 day to complete (includes all patches and interface modification). All together, the process to setup took 1 day ++.

Well not that hard actually. Look at the bright side, I have fresh Ubuntu Installation and Fresh Hard Disk to fill. What shall I pour into this Hard Disk? I have like 160G of free space now. Yes I am sad to loose all my MP3 (9854 MP3s of various type of Musics). 1 month time worth of playtime. OPS torrent will be operating soon. When, I do not know. But not right now.

Take Care now, gotta go to sleep!


PLF in memory… (Part Deux)

Good Morning,

All is well I hope for all of you. This is the second part of the previous post. I am so annoyed as I cannot play the World of Warcraft due to constant disconnection. TMNuts! what a nuisance of society. An abomination to Malaysia generally and Malaysians especially. So much of their play on line with TMNet. Well, you suck big time.

Okay, continuing with my memory at PLF.

There I had two colleagues, Ida and Nan. We were the librarian of Perdana Leadership Foundation (which they still do). Nothing much to say about these two.

Nan was already there during my 1st day in PLF. He served Perdana Library as System and Information Librarian. He still does. Hmmm, he had this name when I was there. I will not disclose it here, nothing to do with habits or anything disgraceful. That information is exclusively for those who had worked in PLF with me. He is a father now. Congratulations!!! You are 100% genuine male.

Ida, the only female in the library before the invasion of volunteers and students looking for internship. She was nice and hmmmm, never mind. A moody character which I do not understand. What do you expect? Men will never understand women. If anyone claims that he could understand and feel women. Spank him for me!!! Generally, she’s a okay. If anyone looking for a bride I can recommend one.

On technical side, is Mr. Murz. The only non-Librarian that resides in the library. PLF IT Administrator come photographer come prompter administrator. My partner in crime. He plays guitar. Tun Mahathir’s guitar is under his care. Well, what would Tun do with guitar. He can’t play guitar can he? It is better for such instrument be put under care of someone who can play.

All in all, Perdana Leadership Foundation was my foundation. It was there, I buill my skill. I had my own room there, with my name on the door. Where I could sleep under the table. Or sneak in if came in late. They are all memories now. I am no more in PLF, but I still love that place.

Take Care

PLF in memory…

Good Afternoon,

Hopefully all of you are having good health and living in prosperity. As for me, I am alive and kicking. May Allah bless you.

I am no more in Perdana Leadership Foundation. That place was very lovely, perhaps too lovely. I love that place. However, I had to move on. I am now with Open Univeristy Malaysia, and of course, as a librarian. There’s not much different in term of job responsibilities with PLF and OUM. I take care of the system here, manage iPortal and Database Subscriptions.

Library in Academic environment is very challenging. You have to work in shift to facilitate Library operating hours which is from 8.00AM – 8.00PM. Take turns to man the counter and do book shelving. Librarian does book shelving? Yeah, in OUM we need to multitask. We are small in numbers but we are great team players. Each of us knows what to do. And we get things done in no time.

I remember, when I was in PLF, my subordinate will do the shelving. I remember Kak Lat often whining of books not arranged properly. Shimie, do the shelving properly from now on!!! I am no more in PLF to speak for you.

My former Chief Librarian, En. Azahar who often joked around. He always said “Nyamuk Banyak la. Jom bunuh nyamuk!” hinting to go for smoke. He was nice, often belanja Adnan, Ida and me for makan-makan. Hail Mr. Azahar! I am sure he still belanja2 makan punya.

My GM, Puan Zarina, a very strict woman. She claimed she was not into jokes, but I knew she could laugh too. We often had differences but nothing more than jobs. She was nice anyway. Most of the foundation’s activities were headed by her.

Kak Lat, someone mistakenly took her as Datuk. Well, she’s like the mother of all staff in the library. What would we do if Kak Lat was not around? She whined a lot, but that’s okay, we could take it. The guardian of Che Det’s gift, books and such. Everything that was given to Mahathir local and abroad would have to go through her for cataloguing.

Tan Sri Nik or Pak Nik (our informal nick name to him) was the CEO of PLF. A great man. He had his own style. Very different from other Tan Sri. A unique character. He mooted the idea of PLF Digitisation Project which went very well. Who was that guy that headed Perdana Leadership Foundation 2006 Digitisation Project? That project went very well. (Haha. It was me).

Well, that’s for now. Will continue later