Good Evening I was wondering how on earth the Library could minimise the gap between the students and the librarian. We do Facebook, we blog, we youtube and many others. I still believe that we need to bring this gap-minimising thing to the next level. Alas, I remember one little app. that permits communication between two parties (as if you can communicate alone!) – meebo me widget
In geekspeak, it’s an IM unifier. In plain English, it’s a one-stop shop for all your instant-messaging needs. Which is to say that Meebo puts all your IM clients — the individual programs that make instant-messaging services incompatible with one another — into one browser window. There’s no need to download all the different apps (MSN, AOL/ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber/Gtalk) to your computer to have any and all types of IM conversations. Available in four dozen languages. More??? –> Click Here
In the past, perhaps due to network issues, this little app. has not been so useful. Connection Time-Out, Access Denied and so on. Well. it’s the network issue – security and bla, bla, bla. As time passes by, network admin is being lenient I think… Library has no problem accessing meebo. Maybe if… should in the future we get time-out issue again, I will need to ask our glorious network admin to allow access of this site to one single workstation – Muhamad Hafiz’s (He’s the one that will take care of any enquiries and requests). I am not into this chit-chatting thing. That’s all things of the past… (of those who remember en_mun… Selamat Maju Jaya). Here’s the setup screen… very easy no hanky panky stuff. Simple and straight forward:

Just give your widget a name and username – registration and such can come later. This one is free and is a no brainer… After that, meebo will generate your widget embedding code. Copy and paste to your web. Super Easy. Then you will have your widget like this:

Easy kan????
ya, ini satu benda yang menarik dan telah lama aku praktikkan dalam bisnes aku.
en_mun adalah ID yang glamer dan menggerunkan.
Hehehe. Suatu masa dahulu kawan… en_mun online… semua staff pakat invisible… takut en_mun marah. hahhaha