Share files with Dropbox


Message from Dropbox Team

Did you know that you can use Dropbox to share files and collaborate on projects? You can do this using Dropbox shared folders:

  • Shared folders are folders in your Dropbox that sync to other Dropbox users
  • Share lots of files at once (size doesn’t matter)!
  • Receive notifications whenever changes are made by others

Sounds better than emailing files to each other, right? Click here to get started.

Better Gmail2…

Salam Sejahtera

Semoga Tuhan Seantero Alam memberkati anda semua. Tidak mengira Parti Politik, samada PAS atau UMNO, DAP atau PKR. Semuanya adalah sama di sisiNya. Semoga Tuhan memberkati anda semua.

Saya ada terbaca mengenai sebuah Extension Firefox yang amat berguna kepada pengguna Gmail. Oleh kerana kantor saya menggunakan Gmail sebagai platform Emailnya, saya pon mencuba Extension ini. Ianya dikenali sebagai Better Gmail 2 oleh Gina Trapani. Sebuah Extension untuk Firefox yang cukup bagus dan berguna, khususnya pengguna Gmail. Sungguhpun begitu Entension ini hanya berfungi untuk Gmail Interface yang baru sahaja.

Antara yang menarik mengenai Extension ini adalah:

1. Jumlah Email yang Baru di FavIcon


2. Row Hightlight


3. Mimetypes Icon untuk attachment


4. Jumlah Email yg belum dibaca mengikut penghantar


Maka begitukah perihalnya tentang extension yang bagus khususnya pengguna Gmail. Oleh itu, marilah semua, tinggalkan Internet Explorer itu dan beralihlah ke Musang Berapi.

Anda dan Password

Salam Sejahtera & Throm-Ka

Kita sedia maklum bahawa tanggungjawab menjaga maklumat peribadi adalah penting. Bukan itu sahaja, malah password, username juga kita harus berikan perlindungan yang lebih. Namun, terdapat beberapa pengguna yang ambil tidak endah akan perkara ini.

Kajadian penipuan perbankan, langganan internet sering berlaku akibat daripada kebodohan kita sendiri. Pernah satu ketika saya terbaca di akhbar, dimana seorang “pakar IT” ditipu oleh mereka yang licik ini. Bagaimana seorang pakar IT boleh ditipu sedemikian rupa. Tidak pakarlah jika begitu. Pakar seharusnya lebih bijak daripada penipu. Nampaknya, penipu lebih hebat daripada pakar itu.

Saya juga berdepan dengan masalah seperti ini apabila terdapat segelintir pengguna library tidak tahu tatacara menjaga dan melindungi password mereka. Apabila password mereka sudah dikompromi maka saya terpaksa mengambil langkah drastik iaitu menutup akses pada akaun tersebut. Saya pun tidak akan berkrompomi dengan akaun yang bocor itu.

Adalah kita sedia maklum bahawa akses kepada bahan-bahan perpustakaan, khususnya Pangkalan Data Komersil adalah terhad kepada pelajar dan komuniti sesebuah institusi. Namun apabila akses tersebut bocor maka Perpustakaan terpaksa mengambil langkah mematikan terus akses tersebut.

Mengapa ini berlaku?

Kelalaian pengguna – Sebab utama berlakunya kebocoran maklumat adalah kelalaian pengguna. Pengguna seharusnya mengambil langkah drastik untuk menjaga maklumat tersebut daripada bocor. Tidak mengapa kiranya orang ramai memanggil anda sebagai saiko atau fobia tanpa sebab, janji maklumat sulit anda terjaga.

Kelicikan Pencuri – Pencuri identiti sememangnya bijak dan lebih bijak daripada anda. Malah lebih bijak daripada saya serta “Pakar IT” yang kena tipu tadi. Mereka tidak akan berhenti daripada berusaha untuk menipu anda. Maka dengan itu anda harus menjadi lebih bijak daripada mereka. Negro-negro tersebut tidak akan berhenti daripada cuba untuk menipu anda. Maka anda seharusnya tahu bagaimana untuk mengelakkan daripada ditipu.

Menggunakan Internet Explorer – Anda seharusnya tahu bahawa Mikroskop Internet Explorer adalah pintu kegemaran penjahat-penjahat tersebut untuk mencuri maklumat anda. IE penuh dgn elemen2 suprise yang bisa merosakkan privasi anda. Maka silalah beralih kepada Firefox atau browser yang lain.

Windows – 90% pengguna komputer menggunakan Mikrosop Windows sebagai OS mereka. Oleh sebab itu, penjahat-penjahat internet akan menulis program serta virus atau malware yang hanya akan melibatkan pengguna Windows. Anda tidak perlu beralih kepada Linux atau BSD atau MacOS untuk melawan mereka. Cukuplah sekadar menggunakan Anti-Virus terkini dan install pahlawan-pahlawan Anti-Spyware seperti Spybot Search & Destroy. Dan updatekan mereka setiap masa. Install sahaja tanpa update takda makna.

Gemar bermain game percuma di internet – Ini yang paling popular. Pengguna suka benar install Permainan Game yang kununya percuma di internet. Terdapat banyak site yang percuma tetapi sebenarnya jahat. Waspadalah selalu.

Pirated Software – Hentikanlah daripada menggunakan perisian yang tidak berlesen itu. Ini adalah kerana 70% software cetak rompak datang bersama trojan., keylogger dan macam2 lagi. Dimana? Selalunya ada di keygen atau crack yang anda semua download. Maka, sila-silalah pastikan crack dan keygen itu bebas daripada elemen2 surprise ini.

Di harap anda semua lebih berhati-hati di dalam bisnis menjaga maklumat sulit daripada jatuh ke tangan penjahat-penjahat tersebut.


TMNet dan janji Joe…

Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Maju Jaya

Adapun pada hari ini, sudah masuk hari ke 10 connection internet adalah seperti kongkang yang cuba memanjat pokok setinggi 12 meter. Adapun kongkang ini adalah sedara kepada sloth, iaitu binatang lembab yang paling agung. Namun itu semua tidak mengapa, kerana mereka dijadikan begitu.

Soalnya sekarang, internet di Malaysia adalah lembab seperti mereka juga. Mengapa ini berlaku? Apekah TmNet sudah terlupa bahawa servis mereka yang diwar-warkan sebagai agung dan effisien adalah tidak benar sama sekali. Iklan bagai nak rak, kununnya berjaya melangkau digital divide, tapi kalau servis macam modem 56k, nasib baik dapatlah ISDN punya speed, buat apa.

Umum mengatahui bahawa call centre mereka dijaga oleh VADS. Ramai daripada mereka tidak tahu apa yang dikomplen oleh pengguna dan pelanggan TMNet. Ada beza yea antara pengguna dan pelanggan. Pengguna adalah meraka yang tahu tentang servis yang mereka langgani dan tahu apa yang perlu dibuat sekiranya terdapat masalah sebelum hantar komplen. Pelanggan pula, mereka yang membayar servis dan akan terus komplen bila ada masalah.

Kita balik kepada janji Joe TmNet ini.


Dear Valued Customers,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to announce that there is a disruption of its Internet services due to circuit faults on the SMW3 between Tuas, Singapore and Penang linking Malaysia to Hong Kong and APCN2 near Chongming, China connecting Malaysia to the United States. As a result, customers using the Internet services may experience slow browsing while accessing websites hosted in the U.S. and Hong Kong.

In addition, customers using other IP services such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) and other critical business applications linked to the U.S. and Hong Kong may also experience some service degradation.

To alleviate the problem, some of the links have been rerouted to alternate routes to ease the congestion.

Restoration works on the affected cables are already in progress. However, during the restoration process, traffic to Northern America and Hong Kong may experience degradation. However, traffic to other countries will not be affected. TM expects complete recovery of its services by 5 April 2009 and will make further announcements on the progress of the restoration works.

TM wishes to assure its customers that it is undertaking all necessary measures to restore communications services for its customers as soon as possible.

Customers can call TM at 100 and select “Internet Services” or e-mail us at for any Internet related problems.

Thank You.

Dan seterusnya apabila masuk 5 Apr tapi servis masih lagi teruk mereka tabur lagi Janji Joe mereka


Dear Valued Customers,

Referring to our earlier statement on 31 March 2009 on the disruption of our Internet services due to circuit faults on the Southeast Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 3 (SMW3) cable network between Tuas, Singapore and Penang linking Malaysia to Hong Kong and Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) near Chongming, China connecting Malaysia to the United States, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to announce that there is a delay in the restoration of Internet services due to technical problems at the repairing stages.

Due to the delay, full recovery of Internet services is now expected to be on 9 April 2009.

Customers using Internet services may continue to experience slow browsing while accessing websites hosted in the US and Hong Kong. In addition, customers using other IP services such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) and other critical business applications linked to the US and Hong Kong may also experience some service degradation. To alleviate the problem, some of the links have been directed to alternate routes to ease the congestion.

TM wishes to assure its customers that it is undertaking all necessary measures to restore communications services for its customers as soon as possible.

Customers can call TM at 100 and select “Internet Services” or e-mail us at for any Internet related problems.

Thank You.

Alasan mereka cukup best. Masalah circut. Takkan la tiap-tiap bulan circuit faults je. Ini bukan kali pertama. Sungguh Joe la TmNEt neh.

_|_ You!!!

Make it a practice to always log off when finished!!!

Salam Sejahtera and Good Evening

Good Day to all of you. While waiting for the batch update of MARC record, I have found out that most users did not log off when they have finished using the computers. This is not practical and unwise. Ironically, they will make a fuss when something happen to their accounts. Who is to blame?

Using shared computers are very dangerous and prone to identity theft, banking account theft and many others. Yet they will blame others for their mistakes. Who is to blame?

Nevertheless, all of these may be avoided if users take several precautions while using and after using the computers.

Rule No. 1  : Never use shared computers for banking purposes.
Pretty simple. Never ever use any computers in Cyber Cafe, Library or any public computers for banking purposes, for these computers, we never know the people behind them. Don’t give your trust to these computers. Some evils lurk within them.

Rule No.2 : Never use shared computers for your online games.
Same like Rule No.1. I don’t trust any of these Cyber Cafe operators. Play your games there, have fun and tomorrow all your epic items are gone. Believe me, such thing happens. Play your games at home where it is safe and trusted (you will need to make sure before 100% safe).

Rule No.3 : Always inspect your computers for KEYLOGGERS.
This cute little programme is a total nuisance. Develop for good use but exploited for sinister purposes. They run silently in the background will record every stroke you enter and send them to their evil master. Effective for stealing account and password. They are many ways to combat this son-of-a-bitch. One of them is to check the running programmes in the background.

Rule No.4 : Never share your password even to your wifey and hubby.
Aahh. So you are in love. To share is to care. Share everything but not the passwords. Most of fraudulent cases are done by someone you know personally. Passwords are created to protect your data, your account and your money. Password that is known to more than one person is no more a password. Protect them.

Rule No.5 : Protect your computers with Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware… Update them please!!!
Those bastards out there will never stop trying to steal your data. They will send hundreds if not thousands to you. Email scams, ad scams, po-pups and free games. Protect your computers with them and update them regularly. There is no use if you install anti-virus and anti-spyware without updating them.

Rule No. 6 : Have some common sense.
Some people they just don’t learn and take things for granted. Never ever entertain banking request from email. Meh! Banks ask your for passwords? Are you an idiot to believe that? No administrator or banks or System Admin will ask you for password. Don’t be so idiotic to succumb to those kind of request.

Rule No. 7 : Know your software.
People… people. You should have checked the software you have downloaded for any sign of sinister or rogue behaviour. True, many free games out there and most of them are package with extra features. Check them before install. Oh. Yeah. Tell you kids not to simply install applications in your computers. At least limit their accounts.

Rule No. 8 : Avoid using Administrative Account
This is hard to do. Yes I know. As a Linux user, I don’t have a problem with this. Linux users never log into Root Account for fun. We will be coming as GOD only when it is needed. We go as under privileged user all the time. Same goes to Windows user.

Rule No.9 : Clear your cache and Temp File after use and Log Out when done!!
Simple. Clear your browser data after use. Or setup your browser to automatically clear them when finish. Use that Log Out Button. They are created for a reason.

Rule N0.10 : Don’t use Internet Explorer laa
The most popular browser with security holes built as a package. The door to all evils to your computer. The browser that receives security updates all the time. When you know it is not safe… Why wait. Change to Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.


Do yourself a favour. Get Gravatar

Good Evening… Again.

Have you ever heard of Gravatar? No? Avatar? Yes? Cool. If you do not know what is Gravatar, please do yourself a favour. Get one now!!! Everyone knows what is Gravatar. I have been using it since my first years of blogging, somewhere in the year 2006. For those who do not know what is an Avatar, basically, in the world of computers, an avatar is a graphical representation of himself/herself or alter ego.

In Hinduism (this is where the word Avatar comes from), Avatar is the incarnation of the Higher Being. Lost? Okay. In the laymen term, God transforms Himself into the creature of the World to directly meddling with humans.

What is then a Gravatar? Well, it is a globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. These are Gravatars:

The Gravatars

A presentation of you to the world. Instead of only names and email, a picture of yourself is available too. And what’s not, it’s globally available. Of course to with Gravatar Enabled sites, such as mine. Sweet isn’t it. Learn more about it here. And it’s free.