Yoga is Haram!!! Really??

Good Evening and Salam Sejahtera

Malaysia’s Fatwa Council is at it again. 1st they declared tomboyish character as haram. This one I have nothing to say. To rule out what is clearly true is like making a fool of yourself. I don’t understand why those non-Muslims barking aloud. This fatwa does not concern them at all, nor the jurisdiction. It is applicable only to Muslims and Muslims only. Such is the character of the non-learned. It’s the same with Hudud, none Muslims need not to worry.

However, this time around, I have something to say. Why is Yoga haram when it shouldn’t be. Unless, it has Hinduism characteristic, it is not haram. What are they doing?

Yoga – practices that involve physical movements, worshiping and chanting – is officially prohibited (haram) in Islam, the National Fatwa Council declared today. The decision was expected as the council had previously argued that the ancient practice of yoga contains Hindu ‘religious elements’.

This is absurd. Total nonesense. I don’t see any possibilities Yoga may erode one’s faith. Ohhh. I get it, since Yoga came from India, originating from India (Hindu). It is haram now. Will Tai-Chi be declared haram too? Sometimes, clerics need to do some reading and thorough investigations. Haram is haram. No doubt about it.

You could do Yoga or Kung Fu etc or anything that was based on some other faith etc, but it is important that you do not accept the belief system that goes with it. i.e. to believe in Karma, reincarnation….. So in Yoga, certain exercises are based on Hindu acts of worship, such as the Sun Salutation, where they would praise and worship the sun.. (don’t do it as this is clearly haram but the others…)

OKlah. Need to be more learned on this.

3 thoughts on “Yoga is Haram!!! Really??

  1. aa February 27, 2009 / 10:52 PM

    if kita study about ‘Ilmu Perbandingan Ugama’, kita will understand why.. bila kaji satu agama tu.. kita akan faham kenapa.. ada yang kita tidak tahu tentang yoga sebenarnya.. kita cuma tahu luarannya sahaja.. dalamannya ada rahsia disebaliknya.. yoga tu dicipta uth khas agama Buddha dlm mencari ketenangan.. dan silakan tanya lagi orang-orang yang mengambil bidang Ilmu Perbandingan Ugama… yang arif.

    Anywy hal kungfu tu.. tu utk ‘self-defence’ dan takde pun berkaitan ngan agama.. contoh terdekat silat melayu jer.. kan silat ni banyak jurusan.. dalam Islam, silat mmg boleh utk tujuan ‘self-defence’.. TAPI jika silat itu mengandungi unsur2x yg bertentangan dgn Islam seperti memuja jin dan sebagainya, maka sesatlah..

    Dan jgn lupa sbda Rosul yg kira2x bermaksud sesiapa yang menerupai sesuatu kaum, maka ia tergolong dlm kaum trsebut… ok wassalaam..

    Senang jer nk jadi tenang, banyak2x baca al-Qur’an… bnyk2x ingt Allah.. hati akan confirm jadi tenang.. Allah sendiri yang firman tu.. 😉 Semoga bermanfaat..

    wallahu a’lam bissowwaab..

  2. Ahmad December 31, 2008 / 11:59 PM

    I dont think its haram either, beacuse your basically just relaxing your mind. But unless u start meditating in front of a buddha, or chant like they do its probably haram beacuse, it would be the same as praying in their religion.

  3. Shaira December 1, 2008 / 2:31 AM

    I agree with you Mun. Unless it’s chanting then I would say it’s haram 🙂

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