Why WoW on Linux?
Written by munmon.


Why I play WoW on Linux. Is there any specific reason for that? Obviously I do not have Windows installed and the only way for me to WoW is by using Wine. Used to play Wow using Cedega but later on, I found out Wine is much more better than cedega. Wasted USD5 for Cedega. While using Cedega my latency was like 700++ compared to 200-300 with Wine.

The reason : I do not own Windows!!! That’s the reason why I WoW on Linux. Not because of superior graphic or better performance. But it is faster and better than Windows. What’s more, I have no fear for Virus, Spyware, Malware, Worms and so on. I am in control.

Later, this evening, I will update my Distro to the latest version, Version 8.04 (Hardy Heron : LTS). Hopefully all goes well. If not, God save me.


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