HoHo Brewfest
Written by munmon.


Ever wanted to have free beer? Unlimited beer, ale, lager and such. Well, head over to Orgrimmar’s Entrance. The brewfest is held there. Haha. Well. It is just a game!!! But, hey, this is World of Warcraft, it is not just a game. Brewfest is loosely based on Bavarian Oktoberfest, aaa you know, the one with people holding large glass of lager and eat plentiful amount of food.

Lokt ain’t missing the festival celebrations. He got [Great Brewfest Kodo] & [Empty Mug of Direbrew] from Coren Direbrew, the festival boss. Apparently he always sends his army to destroy the keg. So Horde and Alliance players must put him a stop, everyday.

Ok now. Have some more beer to drink (in game).

Take Care

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