My Karazhan Raid Experience
Written by munmon.


A days ago I was in Kara raid. It was a guild run [SMASH UNIT]. We downed the Curator, Opera Event (Romulo and Julianne), Shade of Aran and of course the best event of all, The Chest Event. This was my second time in Kara raid. The first time I was quite a newbie, and my gears suck at that time. However, I was able to move on with the Raid with little difficulties. My first Kara raid, we managed to down only the Curator and Chess Event. We were lack of DPS at that time. Even the Curator took us 4 attempts. I was rewarded with [Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless].

I realise I need more power if I want to be worthy for Karazhan Raid. Thus my personal quest to upgrade my gear started with [Primalstrike Bracers]. Followed by [Primalstrike Belt] and finally the [Primalstrike Vest], of which provide me with the 40AP bonus from the Primal Intent set.

Later on, I decided to upgrade my boots [The Master’s Treads] into [Boots of Utter Darkness]. I was quite lucky while browsing AH, since the pattern for this boot would cost 500G-1000G in Aman’Thul. Some nice person sold it at 190G.

Now, I am worthy fo Kara or for worst case scenario, I am able to do Kara.


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